say it  rescue screenshot example 1
say it  rescue screenshot example 2
say it  rescue screenshot example 3
say it screenshot example 4

Say It!

  • technology utilized: Python, gTTS, TKinter
  • date: 2022
  • repo: github

An accessibility-based technology that converts .pdf text documents to audio files.

Google Text-To-Speech provides a way for the visually impaired and those that are auditory-learners to take in text-based information. Say It! Lite is an application that explores the use of this technology in a basic way. A user types words, a robot speaks them. simple.

Say It! further expands upon this concept utilizing PYPDF2, a Python-based .pdf manipulation technology. A .pdf object is passed into a PYPDF2 method that pulls the text and writes it to an .txt file. This file is then passed into gTTS and saved as an mp3 inside the working directory.