color creator screenshot example 1
color creator screenshot example 2
rcolor creator screenshot example 3

Col'r Creat'r

  • technology utilized: Python, Open CV, TKinter
  • year: 2022
  • repo: github

A digital image processing tool that generates a color palette based on the 5 most prevalent hues in an image.

As a regular practitioner of digital graphic design, I spend many hours per week creating within Adobe Suite. As I started to pivot into the software development world, I took the chance to see what makes these programs operate. The Col'r Creat'r app is one result of my explorations into the Open CV tool kit. Open CV is a library that handles digital image processing, originally built around C++ with bindings in Python as well.

This GUI-based image palette-generator is fairly simple in operation. Choose a photo to pull a color theme from then click "Generate Palette". Using clustering and K-Means, the algorithm contained within will find the 5 most prevalent colors in an image and generate a palette. Pyperclip will copy the hexadecimal color code to your computer's clipboard when you click on the corresponding button.